
Case History


Reeves treatment plan

The graphic to the right shows Reeves' treatment plan. Reeves was one of the children attending the DeJarnette Children's Center in the early 1980s and perhaps the 1970s. The first document is a treatment plan that is dated December 16, 1980. Some of the problems addressed in this meeting were to have Reeves follow directions and to reduce hyperactivity. This was referred to as "Out of space" and Reeves' goal was to stay in his space by sitting with his hands in his lap. Another problem addressed was Reeves' speech problem because he had severe stuttering that would require years of speech therapy. A worker, Jo Ellen Smith, had several guidelines when talking with Reeves to help him with this problem. The document does not state if Ms. Smith was the DeJarnette Center's speech pathologist. One of her suggestions was not to insist upon eye contact when Reeves was talking.

Reeves treatment plan

The graphic to the left shows the second page of Reeves' treatment plan dated December 16, 1980. The staff wanted Reeves to visit the Children's Center in Roanoke during Christmas break because this was where Reeves' friends were. However, this was vetoed for the present. The staff also agreed that Reeves should visit Mrs. Deevers during the break. This was just to be a visit and not a foster home. It was mentioned in the meeting that they were not able to locate Reeves' natural family. The goal for Reeves was to return to the Children's facility in Roanoke where they would find a foster home for him. Staff also mentioned that Reeves was more active and alert since his medication was stopped.

Reeves treatment plan

The graphic to the right is the follow-up to the meeting that was held on December 16, 1980. This meeting was held on January 22, 1981. The staff discussed the change in Reeves' weekend plans and future discharge plans. It was also suggested that Reeves visit his natural home again, although it was stated in the last meeting that they were unable to locate his natural family. Meetings during the weekends between Reeves and the Deevers was also discussed. This was beneficial since it would show social services that someone other than the DeJarnette Center were able to handle Reeves. At the meeting it was also mentioned that Reeves was starting to become deinstitutionalized.

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